Sunday, December 18, 2005

Fulbright at Christmastime

The majority of the Fulbright grantees gathered Friday afternoon to report on their experiences, after which we went out to dinner. (Jesse gives somewhat more details.)My tablemates were (left to right) Megan, David, Hubert, and Jesse. We had plenty of entertaining conversation; I can't say whether the other tables did or not as we didn't visit them.

After dinner, Alex, Hubert, Jesse, Megan, and I went wandering in the snow, following which we had some wine in a cellar (I can never remember the name of this place, but it's like a maze) and then went over to Hubert's, where in this photo Alex is demonstrating how to steam up one's glasses by drinking grog. Megan was intrigued by the technique. I guess it is more exciting to people who don't normally wear glasses.

This is one of Hubert's roommates. He also lives with some humans and a black cat.

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