Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Spring Sale at Archelaus!

Archelaus sends the following important commercial message:
It may be a feeble pretext for a sale, but spring has come to Washington, and Archelaus's marketing department is feeling twitchy. Combine that with an urge for spring cleaning and you’ve got yourself a clearance sale with discounts of up to 53% on selected cards!
Admittedly the cards we’ve decided to discount are ones that don't sell outstandingly well, but all that means is that they don't appeal powerfully to the average person. Surely that wouldn't describe you? Perish the thought! Therefore it is entirely possible that these very cards ­ now at risk of being forever discontinued ­ may actually fulfill your deepest emotional needs. It would surely be most unwise to proceed without examining them:
In addition, Archelaus has issued many disturbing ­ er, delightful ­ new cards since October. If you have not visited the website in the interim, you have missed out dreadfully. Now is your chance to make up that deficiency by visiting the recent releases page:
So wake up and smell the pollen! Better yet, indulge your twisted desire for fine cards from Archelaus! But whatever you do, don't delay: our spring clearance sale ends April 30, 2007!

FREE SHIPPING OFFER: Order cards totalling a mere $5.00 or more by April
10 and shipping is free! Just scrawl "Rites of Spring" on your order
form, and we'll understand.


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