Sunday, April 20, 2008

"Sunday is Bun Day"

The Animal Rescue League here in Pittsburgh, the shelter closest to me, is holding Sunday rabbit socialization events called "Hug-a-Bun Sundays." Volunteers go and spend time with the shelter rabbits, which will help make these rabbits more friendly and confident around humans and thus more adoptable (and generally happier). There's one today from 3-5:00 and I plan to be there! If you live in Pittsburgh, come on over and join us. (Ms. Spots and Orion will have to stay at home, but their scent on my clothes tends to make other rabbits interested in me.)

Sunday, April 20 & Sunday, April 27 -- 3 to 5 p.m.
Animal Rescue League, 6620 Hamilton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15206

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